Percakapan Memesan Kamar Hotel dalam Bahasa Inggris

Mr.BOB Kampung Inggris – Hai, teman-teman! Apakah kalian pernah merasa gugup saat harus memesan kamar hotel dalam bahasa Inggris? Tenang saja, artikel ini akan membantu kalian memahami dan mempraktikkan percakapan yang sering terjadi saat memesan kamar hotel. Kami akan membahas berbagai situasi, mulai dari menelepon hotel, berbicara dengan resepsionis, hingga menanyakan fasilitas yang ada. Yuk, kita mulai!

Baca Juga : Kumpulan Kosakata Hotel Beserta Artinya

Percakapan Memesan Kamar Hotel dalam Bahasa Inggris - Mr.BOB Kampung Inggris

Bagian 1: Persiapan Sebelum Memesan

Menentukan Kebutuhan

Sebelum memesan kamar hotel, pastikan kalian tahu apa yang kalian butuhkan. Beberapa pertanyaan yang perlu kalian jawab adalah:

  • Berapa lama kalian akan menginap?
  • Apakah kalian butuh kamar single atau double?
  • Apakah kalian butuh fasilitas khusus, seperti Wi-Fi, kolam renang, atau gym?
  • Apakah kalian punya preferensi lokasi?

Vocabulary Penting

Berikut beberapa kosakata yang akan berguna saat memesan kamar hotel:

  • Reservation: pemesanan
  • Check-in: proses masuk
  • Check-out: proses keluar
  • Single room: kamar tunggal
  • Double room: kamar ganda
  • Suite: kamar mewah
  • Vacancy: ketersediaan kamar
  • Amenities: fasilitas
  • Rate: tarif
  • Complimentary: gratis

Bagian 2: Memesan Kamar Melalui Telepon

Percakapan Dasar

Saat memesan kamar melalui telepon, percakapan biasanya dimulai dengan salam dan pengenalan diri. Berikut contoh percakapannya:

  • Receptionist: Good morning, Sunshine Hotel. How can I help you? 
  • You: Good morning. I’d like to make a reservation, please. 
  • Receptionist: Sure, for which dates? 
  • You: From the 10th to the 15th of August. 
  • Receptionist: And how many people will be staying? 
  • You: Just me. 
  • Receptionist: Would you like a single room or a double room? 
  • You: A single room, please.

Menanyakan Ketersediaan

Terkadang, kalian mungkin perlu menanyakan ketersediaan kamar terlebih dahulu. Berikut contoh percakapannya:

  • You: Hi, do you have any vacancies for the second week of September? 
  • Receptionist: Let me check. Yes, we have several rooms available. What type of room are you looking for? 
  • You: A double room, please. 
  • Receptionist: We have a double room available. Would you like to make a reservation now?

Menanyakan Tarif

Mengetahui tarif kamar adalah hal penting sebelum membuat keputusan. Berikut contoh percakapannya:


You: Can you tell me the rates for a single room, please? Receptionist: Our single rooms start at $80 per night. You: Is breakfast included in that rate? Receptionist: Yes, breakfast is complimentary.

Bagian 3: Memesan Kamar Secara Langsung

Percakapan di Resepsionis

Jika kalian memesan kamar secara langsung di hotel, berikut contoh percakapan yang bisa terjadi di meja resepsionis:


You: Hi, I’d like to book a room for tonight. Receptionist: Sure, let me check our availability. We have a single room available. Would you like that? You: Yes, please. How much is it per night? Receptionist: It’s $90 per night. You: That sounds good. I’ll take it.

Menanyakan Fasilitas

Mengetahui fasilitas yang ditawarkan hotel adalah hal penting. Berikut contoh percakapannya:


You: Can you tell me what amenities are included with the room? Receptionist: Certainly. The room includes free Wi-Fi, a flat-screen TV, air conditioning, and a minibar. You: Does the hotel have a gym? Receptionist: Yes, we have a gym that is open 24/7 for guests.

Proses Check-In

Saat kalian sudah memesan kamar, langkah selanjutnya adalah proses check-in. Berikut contoh percakapannya:


You: Hi, I have a reservation under the name of John Doe. Receptionist: Welcome, Mr. Doe. Can I have your ID and credit card for verification? You: Sure, here they are. Receptionist: Thank you. Here is your room key. You’re in room 305 on the third floor. Breakfast is served from 7 to 10 AM in the dining area. If you need anything, feel free to call the front desk.

Proses Check-Out

Proses check-out biasanya melibatkan pengembalian kunci dan pembayaran. Berikut contoh percakapannya:


You: Hi, I’m checking out of room 305. Receptionist: I hope you had a pleasant stay. Can I have your room key, please? You: Sure, here it is. Receptionist: Thank you. Would you like the bill to be charged to the credit card on file? You: Yes, please. Receptionist: Your total is $450. Here’s your receipt. Have a safe journey!

Bagian 4: Contoh Percakapan Memesan Kamar Hotel

Untuk membantu kalian lebih memahami, berikut beberapa contoh percakapan dalam berbagai situasi saat memesan kamar hotel.

Contoh 1: Memesan Kamar Melalui Telepon


Receptionist: Good afternoon, Grand Plaza Hotel. How can I assist you? You: Good afternoon. I’d like to book a room for two nights, starting from the 20th of July. Receptionist: Let me check our availability. We have a double room available for those dates. Would you like to proceed with the reservation? You: Yes, please. Receptionist: May I have your name and contact details? You: My name is Alice Johnson, and my phone number is 555-1234. Receptionist: Thank you, Ms. Johnson. Your reservation is confirmed. You will receive a confirmation email shortly.

Contoh 2: Menanyakan Ketersediaan Kamar


You: Hi, I’m looking to book a room for this weekend. Do you have any rooms available? Receptionist: Let me check. Yes, we have a few rooms available. What type of room are you looking for? You: A single room, please. Receptionist: We have a single room available at $75 per night. Would you like to reserve it? You: Yes, that would be great.

Contoh 3: Proses Check-In


You: Good evening. I have a reservation under the name of Michael Lee. Receptionist: Good evening, Mr. Lee. Welcome to The Palm Hotel. Can I see your ID and credit card, please? You: Here you go. Receptionist: Thank you. Here is your room key. You are in room 207 on the second floor. Breakfast is served from 6:30 to 9:30 AM. Enjoy your stay!

Contoh 4: Menanyakan Fasilitas Hotel


You: Hi, can you tell me if the hotel has a swimming pool? Receptionist: Yes, we have an outdoor swimming pool on the rooftop, open from 7 AM to 9 PM. You: Great! Is there a restaurant in the hotel? Receptionist: Yes, our restaurant is located on the ground floor and is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Contoh 5: Proses Check-Out


You: Hi, I’d like to check out of room 402. Receptionist: I hope you had a pleasant stay, Mr. Smith. Can I have your room key? You: Sure, here it is. Receptionist: Thank you. Your total is $300. Would you like to pay with the credit card on file? You: Yes, please. Receptionist: Here’s your receipt. Have a great day!

Bagian 5: Tips Memesan Kamar Hotel

Gunakan Bahasa yang Sopan

Meskipun percakapan di atas menggunakan bahasa yang non-formal, pastikan kalian tetap sopan saat berbicara dengan staf hotel. Menggunakan kata-kata seperti “please” dan “thank you” akan memberikan kesan yang baik.

Catat Informasi Penting

Pastikan kalian mencatat semua informasi penting seperti nomor reservasi, tarif kamar, dan fasilitas yang tersedia. Hal ini akan memudahkan kalian jika terjadi kesalahpahaman atau masalah di kemudian hari.

Konfirmasi Kembali

Selalu lakukan konfirmasi ulang tentang reservasi kalian, baik melalui email atau telepon, beberapa hari sebelum tanggal check-in. Ini akan memastikan bahwa reservasi kalian tercatat dengan baik.

Pahami Kebijakan Hotel

Setiap hotel memiliki kebijakan yang berbeda-beda terkait check-in, check-out, pembatalan, dan lain-lain. Pastikan kalian memahami kebijakan tersebut agar tidak mengalami kesulitan selama menginap.

Nah itu tadi beberapa contoh percakapan memesan kamar hotel menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Yang penting itu, kamu pede untuk berbicara menggunnakan bahasa Inggris. Dan kamu juga harus lebih sering latihan berbicara ya teman-teman, supaya kamu terbiasa. Kalau kamu bingung gimana caranya latihan buat berbicara bahasa Inggris, dan butuh teman belajar, coba deh kamu konsultasi dulu sama kami disini. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat, semangat terus belajarnya ya teman-teman.

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